#----------------# # 書き込み処理 # #----------------# sub regist { # ファイルロック if ($lockkey == 1) { &lock1; } elsif ($lockkey == 2) { &lock2; } if($in{'n_0'}+$in{'n_1'}+$in{'n_2'}+$in{'n_3'}+$in{'n_4'}+$in{'n_5'}+$in{'n_6'}>20){ unlink($lockfile) if(-e $lockfile); &error('パラメータが不正です!!'); } &set_cookie; &get_host; $date = time(); open(IN,"./charalog/$in{'id'}.cgi"); @regist = ; close(IN); # パスワードを暗号化 if ($in{'pass'} ne "") { $newpass = &encrypt($in{'pass'}); } $hit=0;@new=(); foreach(@regist){ ($cid,$cpass,$csite,$curl,$cname,$csex,$cchara,$cn_0,$cn_1,$cn_2,$cn_3,$cn_4,$cn_5,$cn_6,$csyoku,$chp,$cmaxhp,$cex,$clv,$cgold,$clp,$ctotal,$ckati,$cwaza,$citem,$cmons,$chost,$cdate,$cmori,$cdef,$ctac,$cacsno,$cmoriturn,$ccllv,$cs0,$cs1,$cs2,$cs3,$cs4,$cs5,$cs6,$cs7,$cs8,$cs9,$cs10,$cs11,$cs12,$cs13,$cs14,$cs15,$cs16,$cs17,$cs18,$cs19,$cs20,$cs21,$cs22,$crec) = split(/<>/); if($cid eq "$in{'id'}" and $in{'new'} eq 'new') { &error("そのIDはすでに登録されています"); }elsif($curl eq "$in{'url'}" and $in{'new'} eq 'new'){ &error("そのURLはすでに登録されています"); }elsif($cid eq "$kid"){ unshift(@new,"$kid<>$kpass<>$ksite<>$kurl<>$kname<>$ksex<>$kchara<>$kn_0<>$kn_1<>$kn_2<>$kn_3<>$kn_4<>$kn_5<>$kn_6<>$ksyoku<>$khp<>$kmaxhp<>$kex<>$klv<>$kgold<>$klp<>$ktotal<>$kkati<>$kwaza<>$kitem<>$kmons<>$host<>$date<>$kmori<>$kdef<>$ktac<>$kacsno<>$kmoriturn<>$kcllv<>$ks0<>$ks1<>$ks2<>$ks3<>$ks4<>$ks5<>$ks6<>$ks7<>$ks8<>$ks9<>$ks10<>$ks11<>$ks12<>$ks13<>$ks14<>$ks15<>$ks16<>$ks17<>$ks18<>$ks19<>$ks20<>$ks21<>$ks22<>$krec<>\n"); $hit=1; }else{ if(($date - $cdate) > (60 * 60 * 24 * $limit)) { next; } push(@new,"$_"); } } if(!$hit and $in{'new'} eq 'new'){ $lp=int(rand(15)); $hp = int(($in{'n_3'} + $kiso_nouryoku[3]) + (rand($lp) + 1)) + $kiso_hp; $ex=0; $lv=1; $gold=0; $n_0 = $kiso_nouryoku[0] + $in{'n_0'}; $n_1 = $kiso_nouryoku[1] + $in{'n_1'}; $n_2 = $kiso_nouryoku[2] + $in{'n_2'}; $n_3 = $kiso_nouryoku[3] + $in{'n_3'}; $n_4 = $kiso_nouryoku[4] + $in{'n_4'}; $n_5 = $kiso_nouryoku[5] + $in{'n_5'}; $n_6 = $kiso_nouryoku[6] + $in{'n_6'}; $c_syoku = $in{'syoku'}; unshift(@new,"$in{'id'}<>$newpass<>$in{'site'}<>$in{'url'}<>$in{'c_name'}<>$in{'sex'}<>$in{'chara'}<>$n_0<>$n_1<>$n_2<>$n_3<>$n_4<>$n_5<>$n_6<>$c_syoku<>$hp<>$hp<>$ex<>$lv<>$intgold<>$lp<>$total<>$kati<>$waza<>$item<>$mons<>$host<>$date<>$mori<>$def<>$tac<>$acsno<>0<>1<>$s0<>$s1<>$s2<>$s3<>$s4<>$s5<>$s6<>$s7<>$s8<>$s9<>$s10<>$s11<>$s12<>$s13<>$s14<>$s15<>$s16<>$s17<>$s18<>$s19<>$s20<>$s21<>$s22<>0<>\n"); } open(OUT,">./charalog/$in{'id'}.cgi"); print OUT @new; close(OUT); # ロック解除 if (-e $lockfile) { unlink($lockfile); } if($in{'new'}) { &make_end; } } 1; #----------------# # ランキング処理 # #----------------# sub regist1 { &set_cookie; &get_host; $date = time(); open(IN,"./charalog/$in{'id'}.cgi"); @LOG = ; close(IN); foreach(@LOG){ ($zid,$zpass,$zsite,$zurl,$zname,$zsex,$zchara,$zn_0,$zn_1,$zn_2,$zn_3,$zn_4,$zn_5,$zn_6,$zsyoku,$zhp,$zmaxhp,$zex,$zlv,$zgold,$zlp,$ztotal,$zkati,$zwaza,$zitem,$zmons,$zhost,$zdate,$zmori,$zdef,$ztac,$zacsno,$zmoriturn) = split(/<>/); if($in{'id'} eq "$zid") { last; } } opendir(DIR,'./charalog') or die "$!"; foreach $entry (readdir(DIR)){ open(IN,"./charalog/$entry"); push(@ranker, ); close(IN); } closedir(DIR); $hit=0;@rankernew=(); foreach(@ranker){ ($cid,$cpass,$csite,$curl,$cname,$csex,$cchara,$cn_0,$cn_1,$cn_2,$cn_3,$cn_4,$cn_5,$cn_6,$csyoku,$chp,$cmaxhp,$cex,$clv,$cgold,$clp,$ctotal,$ckati,$cwaza,$citem,$cmons,$chost,$cdate,$cmori,$cdef,$ctac,$cacsno,$cmoriturn) = split(/<>/); if($cid eq "$in{'id'}" and $in{'new'} eq 'new') { &error("そのIDはすでに登録されています"); }elsif($curl eq "$in{'url'}" and $in{'new'} eq 'new'){ &error("そのURLはすでに登録されています"); }elsif($cid eq "$kid"){ unshift(@rankernew,"$kid<>$kpass<>$ksite<>$kurl<>$kname<>$ksex<>$kchara<>$kn_0<>$kn_1<>$kn_2<>$kn_3<>$kn_4<>$kn_5<>$kn_6<>$ksyoku<>$khp<>$kmaxhp<>$kex<>$klv<>$kgold<>$klp<>$ktotal<>$kkati<>$kwaza<>$kitem<>$kmons<>$host<>$date<>$kmori<>$kdef<>$ktac<>$kacsno<>$kmoriturn<>$kcllv<>$ks0<>$ks1<>$ks2<>$ks3<>$ks4<>$ks5<>$ks6<>$ks7<>$ks8<>$ks9<>$ks10<>$ks11<>$ks12<>$ks13<>$ks14<>$ks15<>$ks16<>$ks17<>$ks18<>$ks19<>$ks20<>$ks21<>$ks22<>$krec<>\n"); $hit=1; }else{ if(($date - $cdate) > (60 * 60 * 24 * $limit)) { next; } push(@rankernew,"$_"); } } } 1; #----------------# # デコード処理 # #----------------# sub decode { if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "POST") { if ($ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} > 51200) { &error("投稿量が大きすぎます"); } read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); } else { $buffer = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; } @pairs = split(/&/, $buffer); foreach (@pairs) { ($name,$value) = split(/=/, $_); $value =~ tr/+/ /; $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; # 文字コードをシフトJIS変換 &jcode'convert(*value, "sjis", "", "z"); # タグ処理 $value =~ s//>/g; $value =~ s/\"/"/g; # 改行等処理 $value =~ s/\r//g; $value =~ s/\n//g; # 一括削除用 if ($name eq 'del') { push(@DEL,$value); } $in{$name} = $value; } $mode = $in{'mode'}; $in{'url'} =~ s/^http\:\/\///; $cookie_pass = $in{'pass'}; $cookie_id = $in{'id'}; } 1; #----------------# # ホスト名取得 # #----------------# sub get_host { $host = $ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'}; $addr = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}; if ($get_remotehost) { if ($host eq "" || $host eq "$addr") { $host = gethostbyaddr(pack("C4", split(/\./, $addr)), 2); } } if ($host eq "") { $host = $addr; } } 1; #--------------# # エラー処理 # #--------------# sub error { if (-e $lockfile) { unlink($lockfile); } if (-e $cntlock) { unlink($cntlock); } &header; print "


\n"; print "

$_[0]\n"; print "

\n"; print "TOPページへ\n"; print "\n"; exit; } 1; #--------------# # クラス設定 # #--------------# sub class { if($chara_flag){ if($kcllv > 59) {$class = "★★★★★★  (Master)"; }elsif($kcllv < 10){$class = "■□□□□□  (Beginner)"; }elsif($kcllv < 20){$class = "■■□□□□  (Charanger)"; }elsif($kcllv < 30){$class = "■■■□□□  (Low Class)"; }elsif($kcllv < 40){$class = "■■■■□□  (Normal Class)"; }elsif($kcllv < 50){$class = "■■■■■□  (High Class)"; }elsif($kcllv < 60){$class = "■■■■■■  (Top Class)"; } }else{ if($wcllv > 59) {$class = "★★★★★★  (Master)"; }elsif($wcllv < 10){$class = "■□□□□□  (Beginner)"; }elsif($wcllv < 20){$class = "■■□□□□  (Charanger)"; }elsif($wcllv < 30){$class = "■■■□□□  (Low Class)"; }elsif($wcllv < 40){$class = "■■■■□□  (Normal Class)"; }elsif($wcllv < 50){$class = "■■■■■□  (High Class)"; }elsif($wcllv < 60){$class = "■■■■■■  (Top Class)"; } } } 1; #-------------------------------# # ロックファイル:symlink関数 # #-------------------------------# sub lock1 { local($retry) = 5; while (!symlink(".", $lockfile)) { if (--$retry <= 0) { &error("LOCK is BUSY"); } sleep(1); } } 1; #----------------------------# # ロックファイル:open関数 # #----------------------------# sub lock2 { local($retry) = 0; foreach (1 .. 5) { if (-e $lockfile) { sleep(1); } else { open(LOCK,">$lockfile") || &error("Can't Lock"); close(LOCK); $retry = 1; last; } } if (!$retry) { &error("しばらくお待ちになってください(^^;)"); } } 1; #----------------------# # パスワード暗号処理 # #----------------------# sub encrypt { local($inpw) = $_[0]; local(@SALT, $salt, $encrypt); @SALT = ('a'..'z', 'A'..'Z', '0'..'9', '.', '/'); srand; $salt = $SALT[int(rand(@SALT))] . $SALT[int(rand(@SALT))]; $encrypt = crypt($inpw, $salt) || crypt ($inpw, '$1$' . $salt); return $encrypt; } 1;